Consistency is Key!

Keeping up with a fitness regime on your own is hard enough! Add a baby, and it’s even harder. Our blog post offers tips to help you stay on top of fitness once baby arrives. Because we all know that life with a baby isn’t always predictable!

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Susan McDonaldComment
Why Workout?

Why stay fit? Sue, from Fitmama Strong Ottawa, spends lots of her time motivating others to improve their level of fitness, so she’s sharing some of her reasons for working out and staying fit!

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Susan McDonaldComment
Mama Needs Sleep!

Sleep can be hard to come by for new mamas, so we enlisted the help of Erin Junker from The Happy Sleep Company to help you get a better night's sleep. We all agree that exercise is one of the most important things you can do to help you sleep more, so we suggest these strategies to help add exercise into your day after your baby is born.

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Susan McDonaldComment
Using your Stroller for Fitness

Babies and strollers seem to go hand in hand, so why not get a workout in with both your baby and your stroller? It's convenient, cost effective and most importantly, get's you out of the house for some fresh air. Power walking with your stroller creates resistance and increases the intensity of a regular walk. Daily walks at a moderate intensity will also help increase your metabolism, release more ‘feel good’ endorphins and reduce stress.

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Susan McDonaldComment
Keep Fit with Your Stroller!

When you have a baby, walking with your stroller often becomes a natural part of your day. It’s great to get some fresh air and move your body, so when you’re ready, try adding these three movements to your stroller walks. They’ll help you regain your strength and balance post pregnancy!

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