The Fourth Trimester
What? I thought I was finished after the 3rd trimester! Well, there’s one more to go! At Fitmama Strong Online we talk about the 4th trimester both in terms of the baby, and in terms of Mama’s transition:
Fourth Trimester for Baby
Major change for baby, who is now adjusting to life outside the womb – remember, they like the womb so swaddling, baby wearing, and skin to skin help them transition gently into the outside world
Baby is adjusting to noises, smells, lights
Vision is still blurred, hearing is still developing, sense of touch is most developed (they want to snuggle and be held)
Brain is like a sponge! Get out those black and white baby books you received as shower gifts
Crying is a way of communicating and blocking out noises, and this trimester will have some crying
Baby will start to learn the difference between day and night (in the womb it’s all the same)
This is also a sleepy trimester…your baby will sleep a lot! Patterns will begin to establish (rather than a “schedule”)…a Pattern is Feed, Burp, Snuggle, Sleep, Repeat. This doesn’t have to be exact and timed to the minute… Check out this handy resource for baby awake time from The Happy Sleep Company.
Baby will speak “baby language” during this trimester…it’s true! Check out Dunstan Baby Language…it’s incredible and these sounds are most clear during the 4th trimester
Just when you think you’ve got this trimester all figured out, everything will change!
Fourth trimester for Mama
Many books and blogs will recommend pre-planning for the 4th trimester: stock up on ready-made meals in the fridge/freezer, toiletries and other everyday items you use often, and things to simplify these next 3 months
If you haven’t already purchased nursing bras, you’ll need to make plans to get to the bra shop! If you’re planning to exercise during your breast/chest feeding journey, you’ll want a supportive nursing sports bra. Check out our partner at After9! Learn the difference between a regular nursing bra and a sport nursing bra on our blog post: Nursing Sports Bra vs Regular Sports Bra
You’ll need maxi pads… that’s right, MAXI pads. After baby comes, you will continue to bleed (this is known as “lochia”). It consists of blood, vaginal lining and bacteria. If it is foul smelling or you experience fever and chills, be sure to call your doctor to check things out.
You may experience constipation and difficulty going to the bathroom. Load up on fibre and drink LOTS of water. This is no time to hold it in! Stool softeners are your friend.
Have a feeding plan in place and practice it during this time. Seek support. Call your local Public Health Chapter to find a Breastfeeding support centre near you.
Be gentle on yourself and your spouse during this transition… you will both be overwhelmed with incredible emotion (mostly good!) and you’ll be exhausted. Work on communicating your needs to others clearly, so they don’t need to guess and don’t be afraid to ask for specific types of help.
Practice napping whenever you can. It might mean learning deep breathing, meditation, or other techniques to quiet your brain. Many new mamas have a very busy brain after having a baby (filled with worry and constant thinking about everything baby related!), which can interfere with rest. Practice turning off your inside voice.
Download our Guide to Moving your Body in the Fourth Trimester so that you can begin doing gentle movements as your body recovers from the birth of your baby.
After 6 weeks, attend a Fitmama Strong in-person Babywearing Fitness or Stroller Fitness Class or join us online at our Express Strong Class. We are here for you and are another support service to help you adjust to this new chapter of life. Remember, you don’t need to do everything (or even much of anything) in the class, just getting there for the first time is a win!
Just when you think you’ve got this trimester all figured out, everything will change!
For more information you can take a look at some of these sites:
Your Baby and the Fourth Trimester (Baby Center)
Dunstun Baby Language You Tube Video
Postpartum Bleeding in the Fourth Trimester
Breastfeeding Support (Ottawa)
Breastfeeding Support (Durham Region)
Interested in joining us? Our classes are a great way to meet other new parents. Fitmama Strong Online has been operating classes online from our virtual studio since 2020. Our community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.
We offer Prenatal Fitness and Prenatal Yoga classes, on-demand from our virtual studio through a special series. Our 30 minute live, online Express classes include the Express Flow class, which is a Prenatal friendly Yoga class.
If you’re new to Fitmama Strong Online, try one of our 3 Class Passes! You can use them at any of our Express classes on our live, online schedule. It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant, your baby was born 6 weeks ago or 6 years ago, we have something for all of our members! Already been to Fitmama Strong classes? Grab a monthly membership and keep moving with us:)Finally, we offer in-person Stroller Fitness and Babywearing Fitness through our Durham Region and Ottawa locations. We can’t wait to have you join us!
We can’t wait for you to #startwithus and #growwithus. Find your Fitmama Strong Location!